-.- So i decided to not touch the computer to just let him shut his gap.
Yeah weeehooo i'm back.
Woke up at 10plus yesterday morning. Klaryce told me episode 13 come out already, but with CHINESE subs.
-.- She want me to die man. LOL but i still want to watch. I was blowing dry my hair when she text me.
Then lazy to wear contacts cause i very excited about episode 13. Hehehehe...
I watched 15minutes of it, i died. -.- DAMN HARD TO READ LA. So pekchek lor...
So i told myself i'll wait till night then watch. Cause at night will have ENGLISH subs.
Hehhh. I stepped out of the house, started raining again. -.-
Went dance with Clarissa. We're late 15minutes!!! Then Rachel and Yunjing keep blaming me.
-.- Say what i'm the one who organise the training one. Dumbass.
You all agree then go one what. Like that also nice to blame. -_-
Klaryce even later than me they never say anything. Tsk. Rah. Pretty girls get lotsa privileges.
LOL ok, so practiced for 1 1/2 hours. I very hyper during practice.
Bought a bluey drink at Delifrance and went back home with Klaryce.
Wah the stupid bus, so long one lor. I can sleep while standing already.
I went her house! I wanted to see her lil baby sister. But i never see her until i wanna go home.
SHE SO CUTEEEEEE, she stare at me with those super cute eyes. HAHAH. Her second younger sister also very cute.
LOL. Anyhow guess my shoe also can guess correct. LOLOLOL. Did nothing much.
KLaryce was playing with her new DSLR. Surfed the net together and chatted.
She damn crazy one sia. She keep telling me to shake my hand cause she wanna do the fast shuttle thingy.
She wanted me to do starjump somemore. -____- LOL!!
Went home at 7plus. Daddy come fetch me~ He dint seem happy -_-
I think cause i disrupted his happy hour plans. Lol man, kk.
Bathed and wanted to watch episode 13. I touch the computer only, daddy told me what cannot everytime like that, must like this. -.-
Blahblahblah. As i've said, i dont wanna listen to his same kuku stuff, so i just dont use lor.
Watched tv till 10 and wanted to do something else. But wth i felt so tired.
I went in my room, offed the lights and want to fall asleep already lor.
But idk what i do yesterday night, i slept at 1am. HEY LIKE WTH.
I want to wake up early the next day so i can watch episode 13 one lor!
So i ended up waking up at 10am. -_- I think if the radio never say the time, i confirm sleep till 11 one.
Rahhhh. Heng uh, so watched episode 13. WEEE SO NICE!!!!!! Taekyung x33, Shinwoo x3, Jeremy x3!!
Hohohoho. Got problem halfway when i watched. -.- Stupid one tsk.
Bathed at 11plus and ate lunch. Homemade Pizza with Banana Milkshake. LOL.
Went Orchard with Fionlee today :) Long time no see, wee oh weet, she become so sexy already.
(Shouldnt say become, should say she's still as sexy as ever.)
HAHA, more matured too. LOL. But she still never change la. Hehe.
Went walking around Wisma and Taka. Bought a top from Cotton on.
Bought tickets for 2012 at Lido. Wanted to watch Christmas Carol. But then timing dont fit our schedule.
So we changed to 2012. I dint really plan to watch this movie uh.
But, I REALLY LIKED IT. It's the best Sci-Fi movie i've watched!!!!! I rate it 4.8/5.
HAHA. But i pray it really wont happen to us. Seriously, its so scary.
To see so many people die, mygosh heartpain.. -.- There was this super selfish pig in the show which i hate alot.
-.- After the movie, went off already. Hmmmm come to think of it, me and Fion have been friends since like what?
3years old. -.- I think its 3, i'm not sure. Wow, 11years of friendship O.O. LOLLL.
I also remember, i used to cry everytime when i wanna leave her house.
Cause everytime go her house play baby games uh, i enjoy ma. So the thought of not being able to play with her very sad uh.
HAHAHA so cry. LMAO! What stupid logic is that!? But her mama will always be like: Aiyo dont cry we welcome you anytime! HAHA!!!
I also remember i p5 that time, met her at ECP cause our dads got some party there or what.
We're like strangers like that. I also dont know why but we still managed to talk to each other.
Yeah i admit i'm super anti social last time. Hyper abit also dont have.
Then we start growwwwing upppppp. Our parents always say Fion is 2months older than me, but i'm 1 head taller than her.
Always one lor. & Chan See Teng(my canto name) is what her dad always call me. HAHA.
Haha so yeah, will be seeing her at my christmas party one, confirm. LOL.
End of my day. Tomorrow's performance. I really hope with my whole entire heart i wont screw up tomorrow.
And i really hope my skin wont die because of the makeup as my skin currently is not in a very good condition.
And i guess i've decided to keep long fringe. Lol, i dont know if i can tolerate the irritating fringe uh.
See first ba, im impatient ^v^. LOL. Mummy's coming back home tomorrow!! :D
Weeeehooooo, sayonara!
This two photos, the anyhow klaryce playing with her cam again. My backview also nice to take hahahah.
Wanted to grab from her blog, but idk why cannot. So told her to send to me.
Yunjing say my eyes small -_- No need say i also know tsktsk. DONT KNOW WHY MY EYE SO SMALL WALAO.