I bet Clarissa was just tolerating my nonsense. LOL. She stupid fella, go take screenshots again -_-
Yeah, so.... you'll see retarded sides of me again.
I woke up this morning, at 10.39am. No one disturbed me until this kuku winnie banged opened my door.
Yeah, so i woke up. Went to search on how to cure my face again.
Endless problem. Urgh, if only i were a billionaire... Can buy anything i want without anyone's permission -_-
Sadly, money dont drop from the SKY. Clinique looks special.
I heard that their price also VERYSPECIAL. LOL. Can you guess what i meant?
I meant it should cost super pricey. -.- Tsktsk. But i think my mum won't mind the price if it really works.
Thats what she always tell me la.. Haha. So i think i should tell her about Clinique.
15days more to Genting. I really miss going out of Singapore.
2009, what a suckish year. Never get to get out of Singapore during June Hols, suckish camp i had eoy, now dont think i can go HK either.
Bored ttm. -.- So i really must enjoy my Genting trip no matter what.
Buy as much rubbish as i can, play as much as i can, and sleep as little as i can.
REALLY, damn desperate to slim down. Maybe ALITTLE will do but i still wont eat as much as the previous years.
Another thing, have been pestering Klaryce to ask her parents if she can follow me to Genting.
My prediction is, she wont even ask. Zzzz, i gave her the date like what? Almost a month ago and she still havent ask. Wtf.
Hmmm. And she is always not replying my msn messages. Zzzzzzz.
Stupid woman rah. Clarissa isnt online, so does Fionlee. :( I've got no one to chat with!!! :(
Kenji is irritating. He keep telling me to buy him in FFS. He's lucky he's cheap and i dont mind.
If not i'll really punch him. -.- I dont bother replying him anymore. RAH.
4th Sunday, dont think he is going for mass. Wth, god's punishing me once again.
Ugly woman like me... :( Very sad to say.
She is so evil. Evil ladeh.
I like the If I were a Boy remix. I heard before, but it was a very long time ago.
Then two days back when i was at wisma, i suddenly heard it again.
It sounded weird to me. LOL Cause it was a guy singing "IF I WERE A GIRL."
A normal guy seriously wont wanna be a girl. LOL. Yeah, so... Here it is. :)
Quite a nice remix la. Haha :) Like duet like that. LMAO.
Hmmmmmm. I kinda like SHINee now. I dont think they look THAT BAD...
And their songs are super not bad. LOL. See, i found another of their song.
I dont think its very new, but hey! It's still nice, who cares if its new or old?!
It's cool man. LOL. Hehehehe. Wished i could dance like them. They're so synced la!!!
So envy... :( I don't believe they are CONPEMPARORY BAND LA!? -.-.
And they are going Philipines you know. Zzzz. WHY DOES PHILIPINES GET EVERYTHING.
They always go our Neighbouring country and not SINGAPORE. DUDEZ!
I know Singapore is a very small country BUT THERE ARE STILL 4million PEOPLE HERE YO!?
That's not really a small amount kay!? I know compared to other countries, IT IS.
BUT STILL, ITS 4,000,000+++++ PEOPLE, and there are still people producing babies.
Ohyaohya, my face seems very hopeless now...