She's my model. tsktsk, i look damn shag on the second day uh, so pathetic.
Alrighty, shall start blogging now!
Dint sleep on Thurs night. Walao nothing to do sial. I keep walking up and down of my house.
LOL finding things to do but still, nothing to do. Chatted with people online.
Texted Heather at night cause she told me her papa off-ed her modem so she cant go online.
Yeah, so just let time passed..... till 5.30am. Bathed and prepared and headed out of house.
I feel super super sleepy. Slept on the way to Tuas. Reached JB at round 7plus and had breakfast there.
Slept alot thruout the whole car journey and i felt that we've reached Genting super fast this year.
LOLLL maybe cause i slept too much :X Went Gotong Jaya to have lunch first then up we went.
Couldnt enjoy the breeze cause it was drizzling. Waited for hotel rooms.
Wait so long lor, rahhhh. I love my hotel alot man! Its like a total brand new room of mine!
Very comfortable somemore, damn different from the last time i came to this hotel x3
Slacked in the Hotel for awhile and went to renew our Genting cards cause expired already.
There was this guy, i think in his late teen years uh, keep looking at me as if i'm from some alien country or what sial. What the hell.
Nevermind, made our cards, went outdoor. Couldnt play anything la!
Everything was like closed wtf. Only managed to play Pirate Ship.
Cause that one got people queue. BUT, it wasnt open yet until after afew minutes.
After that game, it started drizzling again so we had no choice but to go indoor.
Dint do much cause it was already 5pm plus and we were supposed to meet parents at 6plus.
So slacked at indoor. I was feeling damn drousy and sick and i just feel like dying k.. -.-
My stomach was like so pain until i wanna cry sia. So kept feeling very unhappy.
Mummy and daddy finally came and they asked me what happened. LOL. I told em stomach ache and they were like: confirm hungry one la.
Walao? My stomach got so fast empty one meh, we just had lunch like 4 or 5hours ago. -.-
Ate pizza. I hate the service there. I wanna punch that idiot counter person.
We kept waving and waving at those waiters but they never respond to us.
Then this stupid pig counter person saw us waving, but he dont want to tell his collegues. -'- WTF? Made me even more not happy.
Zzz, daddy suggested i go back hotel and sleep for awhile, later then come out.
So went back hotel, bathed and slept. Woke up by daddy at 9plus.
I dint even get to wash my face he tell us go out already. LMAO.
Family went to watch 2012. I also followed cause nothing to do.
LOL the show rocks rocks rocks thou its the second time that i watched.
I still cried -.-.... Show finished at 12.45am like that.
Bought fruits and went back hotel. Slept at 1plus. :)
I missed talking t clarissa alot. Heh, i also miss facebook messaging his friend.
I feel the warmness of how a good friend should be. This dude's a good dude, way man.
Oh and thou its just the past few days that i've been talking to Heather, i still miss her kukuness.
I wrote notes in my itouch to remind me of what have happened. Heh!
Yeah so this was roughly what i wrote. Still got alot but i dont feel like writing it out :X
"I miss seeing him alot :( thou i already know quite alot about him, but i still dont know him :( his friend tell me to bring up that courage and go to him, but that's his friend's opinion without knowing that i'm talking about him. I wonder what'll happen when he knows i know he knows this guy which i wanna know badly..."
One of the sentence in my itouch. HAHAHA. Recieved bear's message at night and it wasnt a good message lor!!
Walao eh she make me cannot sleep -.- But she told me he will contact me.
Well, end of day1. Start of day2.
I had a super nice plus weird dream LOLOL. It was about J!!! HAHA. Let me share share.
In my dream, i went far east with Clarissa cause i had a feeling J would be there.
HAHA but that was just thinking la, i dont know if he really was there.
Heh so even if he wasnt there, i'll still go shopping with Clar i guess ^^.
We walkwalkwalk, walk until this shop that had a huge sale and there were alot of people.
Me and clarissa damn curious so we just went in lor. OMG LITTLE DID I KNOW, J WAS THERE!!!
Like standing right there la OMG. LOLLLL i dont know if he's working there or shopping there, cause you know... dreams always miss abit here and there...
Haha!! I saw like really shocked and i kept saying: AHHHHHHHH OMG J YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!??!?!?!
I shouted so loud that he saw me and started giggling again, like what he always do, wth LOLLLL.
Like that then i wake up already. Awwwman. I wonder what'll happen if the dream continues!!!
I had a seriously bad cramp in the morning! LIKE SERIOUSLY omg.
I wanted to stab my leg can. I totally couldnt move zzz. Lucky it became alright soon after.
Woke up at 8plus and bathed, felt damn tired eh. Heh, called peiming to ask if we could have breakfast together. My dad's idea.
They cmi cause when i called them, they were all still sleeping -_-.
So prepared and went genting hotel's lobby to have breakfast.
Winnie and spencer bought nasi lemak while i bought 2 donuts! Well oh boy it was delicious!!!!!!
Finished our breakfast, on the way to the toilet, saw parents and Peiyee's family.
They were planning when to meet or what la idk. I was only thinking of toilet at that moment.
LOLLL. Went first world after toilet HAHA. We played first, cause peiyee and co. still having their breakfast.
Same thing, pirate ship first. We saw Denise, Xinfang and Audrey! What a coincidence.
So we played the pirate ship with them ^^. After that, we were queueing for Cyclone.
Damn it closed halfway when we were almost reaching.
This was always the case la. So pissed. Started drizzling again so we went in to find Peiyee.
They say they couldnt come in cause the people wouldnt sell the tix to them cause it was raining.
Dang, we couldnt play for like 2hours or so? I guess? Headed to Starbucks for a drink.
It was super nice okeh~! Guess what, i saw .... Shawn Tok. LOL.
Peiming was like: Eh that one Shawn leh.. So many Shawns in the world, i didnt know what she was saying.
But when i saw him, he looked familiar. I asked: What shawn? Who shawn? OH THAT SUPERSTAR ISSIT?
Yeah my voice went up. He saw me and was giggling HAHAHAH.
We talked abit about him then Winnie came out from Starbucks and say what what whattt?
Peiming told her what happened and she said: Oh want take photo ah?
Peiming answered her: You go ask lor! *She dont know my maid will do it -_-*
Hah boomz, Winnie really went to ask. Shawn: Sure sure can can :)
All three of us were supposed to take. But i dont know why end up only i took with him.
Blahhhh, said thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou then off we went looking for Spencer.
He was at Cyber. I used Spencer's remaining time. Hahah, it was around 15min or so.
Finished already, Winnie told me Peiming regretted not taking photo.
And she wanted to go back and ask again but like very paiseh... HAHAHAH.
Met family after all those nonsense for lunch. Ate at some dimsum resaurant at Genting hotel there.
The food's delicious! Went outdoors to play after that! Woohooo. Finally can play thou it was still drizzling..
When we were at the flying dragon uh, there is this M'sia teen who kept looking at me like some pervert.
Then i told Peiming about it, her reaction was: EEEEE.........
LOLLLL hahahah! Then that pervert started to look at Peiming too.
Weird much, he like got girlfriend already. Beside him was a girl, they look quite intimate leh.
Cannot be siblings what :X Or maybe could be, but they dont look alike -_-.
Biantai. He kept winking at me and peiming and when it was our turn for the ride, there were 2 empty seats.
He go raise his hand, then he came in. He go tell peiming: Hey Cutie.
And when he sat down already, he kept saying: I cut queue leh.
Played till 5plus, went Coffee Bean and rest till 6plus. Freaking tired and bored already.
Parents said they'll come first world to find us ma. Hah.
Had dinner at some chinese restaurant at First world. Also delicious la ^^.
After that, went shopping. Dint really buy anything. I was feeling tired...
When almost returning to hotel, peiming called and told me to catch a movie.
I said okay and asked them to check out the timing and what show.
So sad, no show to watch. So nevermind, bathed and slept early that night.
Day3, woke up late man!!! 9plus!!! -.-. Bathed and head out to have breakfast.
I kinda forget where we ate.. LOL. I think its the dimsum restaurant.
Ate finished, packed lagguage and checked out at 11plus going to 12.
Waited for the others to come and went down the mountain to gohtong jaya to have lunch.
Finished eating, went homeeeeeeeeeeee. I slept. Slept slept and slept even more.
Reached SG around 6plus? Reached home at 7 ^^.
(Sorry the pictures arent in order. Stupid photobucket. They changed and idk how to make them in order now zzz.)
(everyone's playing with my specs.. LOLLLL)
The performance outdoors
My hotel
This one is parent's room. HAHA.