Couldnt stand the noise so i just woke up. Slacked around and daddy told me to go prepare.
Actually wanted to wear some grey and black dress which i bought from F21.
I didnt got the chance to wear the dress before so its considered new.
Like hello! The tag's still there man. After much deliberation, i decided to change my mind and wear a red dress my mother chose for me.
I think it looks awfully weird on me :( I dont know la, i'm just not used to being so feminine.
LOL, not say that i'm very tomboyish most of the time, but i dont wear dresses and skirts often.
Only wear it on special occasions. Or days when i feel like it, thats like once in a million days.
LOL. Headed out at 12noon, went to some uncle that i havent seen for many years, house.
Stayed there till 2 and went Subway for lunch. Lol, i got scolded there by my parents.
Dont want to mention anything about that cause it simply just spoils my mood.
Went to uncle Lester's house next. Stayed there till 5plus6. LOL, killed my time by watching shows.
Watched kiddy shows, then watched sci fi shows. All the kids choose one.
Since i'm the guest and they are the owner of the house, i shall oblige. :)
Nice shows, i should compliment them for picking such nice shows.
If not, i seriously dont know what am i supposed to do at their house.
Lastly, headed to Uncle heng's house for steamboat dinner. Stayed there till 8plus9.
Reached home, bathed and now i'm blogging. Lol. My post's so boring right?
So yeah, dont know what i'll be doing tomorrow. Hope i'll not be going out though.
I wanna exercise eh. Heheheh.
Took this because of Qianyu and took it in the toilet because the lighting in my room sucks.
Its like total darkness and my dress looked like black in the photo.
(Fyi, you notice there is this lump on muscles on my right thigh?.... All thanks to the dance's starjumps. Its so not nice babe.)
Fats + Muscles = Ugly like pangsai.
After CNY, it'll be studies + dance. Omg i really wanna slim down....
Stupid CNY, okay i'll not eat anymore. I wanna run tomorrow. So gonna run tomorrow.