:( I was happy in the morning. Now i'm back into my self hatred mood. Dont know what i'm thinking sometimes.
Yesterday i actually dreamt of Benjamin. Lol, how weird? I must be thinking too much yesterday night.
Cause i couldnt sleep and my thoughts went wild. I even dreamt that Klaryce knew Nathanael.
O.O? Woke up this morning and slacked till lunchtime. Supposed to go bainian one.
But parents decided not to go cause its a very tiny place with millionz of people.
I was happy, cause in the first place i didnt want to go out. But after awhile, boredom starts coming in.
!!! :( What am i supposed to do now. Wished there was someone for me to talk to..
Dont want school tomorrow and the day after. Next week common test. Urgh. STUPID STUPID.
No one at home loves me. No one at school likes me. No one at all knows me.
Okay, so you know i was supposed to go bainian today but didnt in the end yeah?
I decided to go sleep until dinner time cause i seriously had nothing to do.
Suddenly i got woken up by my dad cause he said we're going over to another uncle's house.
So woke up, and changed. Went over to big uncle david's house.
Ooo, his house no difference after SOOOOOOOO many years. Haha.
The 2 cousins of mine, i only could recognise one of them. The other one, seemed to have changed alot.
Actually i dont know also. LOL! Stayed there till 8plus. Went to thomson to have dinner and went back home.
I caught a flu out of the blue sial. So i'm suffering from flu, now.
Torturing kay. I know it'll be gone hopefully by tomorrow or the day after.
I chionged my english homework just now. LOLLLLL i suddenly remembered about that.
If i dont do uh, i confirm die a terrible death. Heheh..
Tomorrow's supposed to be a halfday lor! Then got remedials here and there.
Dumbdumb. I'll sleep early tonight, since i've got a flu. Night.
My first clothing. Changed already then parents decided to not go bainian.
HATE IT OKAY!!!!! So tight, like bao zhong zhi like that. Roar.
So this is what i wore to big uncle david's house. Casual :)
Never seen me with my fringe up before right? Now here's 2 photos.
LOL. I seriously couldnt stand my fringe la. It kept poking my eye and i was still wearing my contacts somemore.
Zzz, now my eyes damn red. -.-..... So, if you noticed, one of my eye is like smaller than the other.
Yes its swollen, somehow... Now i feel better though, after a bath. :)
I know its unglam to the max! BUT WHO CARES. & i really know i'm fat. Stop rubbing it in.