Okay well hello everyone. Hope my post today would be a short one.
So yesterday's MSN was seriously screwed up. Like usually, i'd have 100 over people online in the early and late nights.
Yesterday, when i logged in msn, it says i only have 20 people online?!
First thought that came into my mind was: OMG DID SOMEONE HACK MY ACCOUNT?!
Then i looked at the amount of contacts i have, it didnt change. -.- Wth, i thought i was the only one having this problem.
But it turned out that almost everyone was having the same problem as me. So ohwell.
Kaheng told me msn was down yesterday. Zzz, oooookay...
Watched an old film yesterday called "The Haunted Cop Shop". I dont know if i should say that the show is funny, or scary.
I guess its both. It's really a very fake-ish show, but it still scares and humours me.
I slept before 12 yesterday. HEHE I LOVE MYSELF~! But i woke up kinda late today.
It's always this case la. When i sleep early, i'll always wake up late & vice versa.
Today's timetable was verrrrryy shiok. 2 periods of math, 1 period of DNT, recess, 2period of CS(apparently it was free period today because teacher went for reservice.), assembly and school ended.
AWESOME RIGHT?! Supposed to stay back for bio sup class after assembly but Peterson was so nice.
He said sup class would start from next week! HEHE, i also needed to stay back for DNT.
To show mr ng if i have done my 18drawings. Obviously i havent. I got no good imagination.
I only did like 5drawings? Damn, but i told Mr Ng. HE WAS SO KIND, he said to finish it by next Tues as if was the dateline.
Hahah he is really an amazing teacher. Seriously, i think he teaches math!
Actually idk. Maybe NA math. HAHA I DONT KNOW. So i dont have anywhere to go.
Home was where i went.
There is nothing to do at home!!! :( I'm basically just looking @ vids on youtube, chatting with people, & updating my blog.
Yeah so, i'm very depressed over my short hair and i really wanna pull it long.
HAHAHA, okay byebye. Very short post. :P!