I really think she's so hot! LOL i know i am a girl but there is nothing wrong to be a fan of a girl what!
Don't know what people thinking these days. Brains getting more and more complicated inside.
I want her hair so badly. HAHAHA, Ashley Tisdale FTW! :D:D
Well, i think i have mentioned in my below post that Thursday's lessons are boring.
If i havent, it's alright. Because now i'm saying already. Haha, so yeah it was real boring.
Did some DNT survey during DNT period. I was so pissed off!!!!
I wrote a whole load of junk for the 'email' they told me to wrote. But i accidentally press 'backspace' and all my data was gone!
I had to redo it in like 5minutes, cause i was only left with that amount of time.
So sad :( My first 'email' was really very nice!! I like it so much la.
My second one was just a summary of it. Zzz, hate summary. Summary is lame. -.-
The 'email' i'm talking about is just basically a so-called compo. Let me emphasize on the word, SO-CALLED.
It was to write an email to a friend telling them how i feel about dnt, how i study all this shitz la.
I write until so nice and its gone. So pathetic. OHYA, my email's title: Awesome yet BORING lesson.
It was a last minute thought ok. Roar, whatever. I couldnt be bothered much about it anyway.
Dance after school, did short warmup & Sincerely Jane. Okay, i'm getting better at it.
Phew, but my timing is like way off. I always wrong timing. SHANETTE, GET IT RIGHT. WOULD YOU?
Yes tomorrow is FRIDAY. YAY FRIDAY IS HERE AGAIN. But the weekends confirm not a good one.
Because i gotta complete my stupid DNT coursework. Screw you!!! -.-
My darlings and I will probably be @ the awesome playground tomorrow! YAY I LIKE THE SWING ^^!!!
So, farewell my dear. I shall be off to try and sleep now. I've been sleeping early this few days. Before 12. YAY! :)