Wah 3rd post. -.-. LOL. Nothing to do ma. LOLOLOL. I decided to do quiz. Hmmmm. Have been blog hopping and blog hopping ma. Then see so many people do quiz do quiz. So i shall do one too. :D HEHEHEHHH.
Who's the closest friend to you currently?
None. I've got no close friends now.
If you've got a chance to reborn, what would you do in your life?
Study very hard and earn lots of money when i grow up!
If the world's a fairytale, what would yours be?
I would love my life to be just as normal. But find my love. (:
Tell me more about yourself.
Very negative minded, ugly, no name to anything, fat.
What do you love about yourself?
Nothing. Maybe my hair. LOL.
What do you hate about yourself?
How you wished your prince would be?
A person with a kind heart, a person who doesnt minds my looks, a person who luvs me for who i am.
Do you really keep all those promises you made?
Sadly, no...
Give an example of the promise you broke.
I keep saying that i'll get good results lor. How many years already, still fake one. -.-.
Give an example of the promise you kept.
Oh, er. Hard man. Maybe to Andrew. I think.... Dont remember. LOL!!
If you can meet one celebrity currently, who would it be?
If you had one wish, JUST ONE, what would it be?
Hmmmm... To have no trouble with studies.
Can you predict when you'll get married?
I dont know. Maybe i won't even get married. (:
1. You've got alot of friends, but none of them comes to you when you've got problems.
2. You've got only one friend, when you've got problems, she/he would always be there to support you.
Which option would you choose?
Option 2. :D:D:D
Okay end of quiz. LOL! I cannot think of any other questions already. I created it. HAHAHAHA. Nothing to do ma, crack my brains abit. (: Exercise abit helps my brain to function better you know. :D
My smile can cover up what’s inside. Even if my soul starts breaking down, I can still tell a joke. Even if I’m dying inside, I can still look so funny. I guess that’s how my life would go. I just have to smile and be happy even if the world is slowly killing me.
Quick updates
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Look at this picture. I know my face scares you a little. But dont care my face la. Look at the effect. I dint even edit this picture. LOL! And, i've got nothing to do that time. So i anyhow snap snap snap. Suddenly this weird picture with this weird picture comes out. LOL. Look at my pimple. -.-. So obvious somemore. And the shirt i'm wearing. ARMY ONE. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. It's damn damn huge. I kept the sleeves so that it won't be so long. BACK TO THE EFFECT. LOOK AT IT MAN! ISNT IT COOOOOOL!!?? HAHAHAHA. I wanted to delete cause it was so ugly. But when i look at it the second time, i spotted this ultra cool thingy. COOL MAN! :D
Just watched finished the second last episode of Boys Over Flowers. God, so scared the ending not nice. -.-. GU JUN PYO IDIOT. So many people dont want forget, must forget Geum Jan Di. -.-. IDIOT NOT. Roars.. Last episode, later then watch. LOL!! Now, i need to find things to do. I wanted to do my blogskin. But i dont know do what. So i better not mess with it, later from nothing to do become ALOT of things to do. I'm not really that free la. Heheheh.
I watched finished Boys Over Flowers!!!!!!!!
I LUV IT!!!!!!
NICE ENDING !!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for not posting yesterday. Very tired yesterday. Lol.
Went for guitar lesson in the morning. I woke up myself. Cause dont know who off-ed my aircon. Lol. Reached heartland, waiting for the lift that time, i was texting i dont know who. Lol, dont remember. Then when i turned back, i jumped up abit. LOL!! Cause the teacher was behind me. LOLLL. He seemed to be moody uh. During class time, he like very weird weird one. I think he si lian issit? LOLOLOLOL.
Went back home. Watched 2 parts of boy over flowers. I'm coming to the end of the show. Awww... I don't want it to end neh. Lol. Prepared for dance class after that. I luved what i was wearing yesterday. Very cute neh the top. :P But i was having a bad hair day, sadly. -.-. I tried tying my hair in all sorts of ways. Look damn damn weird. Cause of my stupid haircut. So i thought of what to tie. SUDDENLY, i remembered how Klaryce tied when i went out with her. So i wanted to try, see how i look. I LOOKED LIKE A JAPANESE. -.-..... So irritating. But cannot change already, cause my hair curly curly already. Roars. Bad hair day man!
Dance was pretty okay. Though i had alot alot of mistakes behind. Cause, too tired, and alot of people was looking. So stress. -.-. LOL. Went back home, and watched Boys Over Flowers again. Wah, i want to be in that fairytale leh.. I don't mind being bullied by the mother. LOL.... Cause there are other things that is damn wonderful.
5plus prepared for church and went to church. Lol. I felt damn damn damn sleepy. I wanted to sleep in Church. Lol. Idiot right me? But i dint la, i only like put my head down for awhile then look up already.
Quite a number of people looked at me like i was some kind of alien that has just reached planet Earth leh. I think it's because of my hair. -.-.
Wanted to go Cold Storage get some things to eat, but rain suddenly poured down. We had to rush home immediately. Watched tv all the way till 12am. Lol. Then went to sleep.

Nothing in particular to post today. Cause i dont think anything's gonna happen today. Unless parents suddenly wants to watch a movie or hang out somewhere, i'll be rotting at home for the whole day. I wanna go out tomorrow. Actually, tomorrow's the 6H's gathering. I dont think alot of people's going. It's damn not planned properly at all. I dont even think i'm invited. Cause, they claimed to have planned so long ago, yet i never hear a single news at all. So i dont think i'll be going. Cause no one asked if i was going. Stupid, i dont exist in this world, at all.
Woke up at 10am sharp. Ate breakfast and went to bathe. Weather too hot, i buey tahan. After that, went to flip through my childhood photos. Damn cute. Dont know why my looks change so much. Can tell the difference eh. From baby till now.. Wah. -.-. Last time i'm kind close to my relatives, now leh? See me like stranger liddat. Stupid. I took a few snapshots of some pictures. Its blur, cause my camera's not good. I used my phone camera. Lol.
Now watching Boys Over Flowers. Episode 23. Sigh. Why JanDi left... She'll be back right...????

My parents and my brother. I still remembered this picture.
It's taken in genting.
Last time me, peiyee, peiming, dennis and terence took the train seat infront. And i think last time he is like, maybe the biggest size among all of us? So we all can squeeze into one seat, but he cannot come in. So he went to sit with my parents, and he cried. Dont know who went and snapped him crying. LOL!!

This is me and my brother. HE IS WEARING MY DRESS KAY.
Hahahha. Last time he very adorable eh?
Can be my sister already. (:

CUTE RIGHT? Now like shit. LOL..

Me with the same dress spencer is wearing on top. LOL!!

Tada! Cute rightttttttt!!!!!
I wanna pinch spencer. Last time he very nice to pinch.
Now also la, but not cute already. Unless he act cute la, -.- But still so fake.

Another dress. LOL. Like angmoh baby. HAHAHHA.

MEEEEEEEE. I think i was in cruise.

Went for guitar lesson in the morning. I woke up myself. Cause dont know who off-ed my aircon. Lol. Reached heartland, waiting for the lift that time, i was texting i dont know who. Lol, dont remember. Then when i turned back, i jumped up abit. LOL!! Cause the teacher was behind me. LOLLL. He seemed to be moody uh. During class time, he like very weird weird one. I think he si lian issit? LOLOLOLOL.
Went back home. Watched 2 parts of boy over flowers. I'm coming to the end of the show. Awww... I don't want it to end neh. Lol. Prepared for dance class after that. I luved what i was wearing yesterday. Very cute neh the top. :P But i was having a bad hair day, sadly. -.-. I tried tying my hair in all sorts of ways. Look damn damn weird. Cause of my stupid haircut. So i thought of what to tie. SUDDENLY, i remembered how Klaryce tied when i went out with her. So i wanted to try, see how i look. I LOOKED LIKE A JAPANESE. -.-..... So irritating. But cannot change already, cause my hair curly curly already. Roars. Bad hair day man!
Dance was pretty okay. Though i had alot alot of mistakes behind. Cause, too tired, and alot of people was looking. So stress. -.-. LOL. Went back home, and watched Boys Over Flowers again. Wah, i want to be in that fairytale leh.. I don't mind being bullied by the mother. LOL.... Cause there are other things that is damn wonderful.
5plus prepared for church and went to church. Lol. I felt damn damn damn sleepy. I wanted to sleep in Church. Lol. Idiot right me? But i dint la, i only like put my head down for awhile then look up already.
Quite a number of people looked at me like i was some kind of alien that has just reached planet Earth leh. I think it's because of my hair. -.-.
Wanted to go Cold Storage get some things to eat, but rain suddenly poured down. We had to rush home immediately. Watched tv all the way till 12am. Lol. Then went to sleep.

Nothing in particular to post today. Cause i dont think anything's gonna happen today. Unless parents suddenly wants to watch a movie or hang out somewhere, i'll be rotting at home for the whole day. I wanna go out tomorrow. Actually, tomorrow's the 6H's gathering. I dont think alot of people's going. It's damn not planned properly at all. I dont even think i'm invited. Cause, they claimed to have planned so long ago, yet i never hear a single news at all. So i dont think i'll be going. Cause no one asked if i was going. Stupid, i dont exist in this world, at all.
Woke up at 10am sharp. Ate breakfast and went to bathe. Weather too hot, i buey tahan. After that, went to flip through my childhood photos. Damn cute. Dont know why my looks change so much. Can tell the difference eh. From baby till now.. Wah. -.-. Last time i'm kind close to my relatives, now leh? See me like stranger liddat. Stupid. I took a few snapshots of some pictures. Its blur, cause my camera's not good. I used my phone camera. Lol.
Now watching Boys Over Flowers. Episode 23. Sigh. Why JanDi left... She'll be back right...????

My parents and my brother. I still remembered this picture.
It's taken in genting.
Last time me, peiyee, peiming, dennis and terence took the train seat infront. And i think last time he is like, maybe the biggest size among all of us? So we all can squeeze into one seat, but he cannot come in. So he went to sit with my parents, and he cried. Dont know who went and snapped him crying. LOL!!

This is me and my brother. HE IS WEARING MY DRESS KAY.
Hahahha. Last time he very adorable eh?
Can be my sister already. (:

CUTE RIGHT? Now like shit. LOL..

Me with the same dress spencer is wearing on top. LOL!!

Tada! Cute rightttttttt!!!!!
I wanna pinch spencer. Last time he very nice to pinch.
Now also la, but not cute already. Unless he act cute la, -.- But still so fake.

Another dress. LOL. Like angmoh baby. HAHAHHA.

MEEEEEEEE. I think i was in cruise.

But it was my birthday. I'm the one in the hairband.
The one on the left is FION LEE. SHE IS DAMN CUTE.
I look like a giant beside her.
We're of the same age, AND she is 2months plus older than me.
The rest are my cousins. And my parents. But they guy, dont know who he is. LOL!!
Spot meiyi! LOL!
I cannot even believe that that's me you know! LOL!
Germaine, Me, Charmaine. (:
Now never talk already. Lol.
Total strangers i can say.
All those pictures on top, they look nicer in real life. Here so blur. -.-. So dumb one. LOL!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hello. I'm tired of blogging. HAHA. So i dint post yesterday though i had alot to say. :D So now, IF I CAN REMEMBER, i'll post what i wanted to say yesterday. (I cannot remember. HAHAH.)
Went to school as usual. Announcements and everything were so boring la. -.-. So ah, went back to classroom to check results. I waited so long. -.- Cause i was the freaking last index number. Hate last numbers la. So idiot. So waited waited and waited, then finish already went foyer wait for bus for my geography learning journey.
Went to LTA. Very fun man!!!! Luv it. Hahahah. Good thang i dint skip school. We dint had break leh. Left the place around 11plus. So hungry. Went to some hydroponics place. DAMN HOT. Can get heat stroke ohmygod. Cannot stand the heat. Somemore we dint eat, energy no more. Then finished already went back school. We were late already. Supposed to reach school by 12.15pm. But we reached the place at 12.05pm. And left the place at 12.45pm. =.=. Dumb right. Reached school 1plus pm. Still need to go hall, cause Peterson wanna see us. He told us that we cannot fail maths. The rest fail maths one must retake or something. Those pass one can enjoy holiday(yeah right). So off we went back home. HAHA.
Reached home, damn tired. EAT MAC. :D:D:D Watching Boys Over Flowers at the same time. I very slow lah mygod. SO SLOW LAH. I wished i could watch it faster. Then slack slack slack. (Cannot remember what i do.HAHAHAH)
Dint go school. :D Cleaning day. Blah, dont want. HAHAH. Woke up at 9. Mummy woke me up. She saw my piercing. She asked me why i dint tell her. Then she angry, stomped out of the room. I faster go brush teeth and rushed out of the room just to say sorry to her. LOL. But she still angry la. Then started talking about my results again. See, the disadvantage of getting poor results. Hehhh.
10 went to bathe and prepare. Followed mummy go cut hair. I wanted to dye my hair. But mummy told me not enough time. So i asked her if i could buy the dye thingy then come back dye myself. She said okay. YAY. Lol. Went and cut my hair too. People said it was nice(i dont think so. I look like mushroom head now). LOL? Nice meh. I dont dare take picture of myself. So cannot show. Heheh.
After that, went to dentist to do my teeth. I saw Goh Mei Yi's mummy. So mean, first thing she said to me is "you fat already." in chinese... Urghhhhhhhhhhh.Dont care la, knew it. Went to do teeeeth. Omg so pain. Actually not really lah. But the injection was like.... -.-. Scared. And the sound of the machine. Dontknow what is that. Scary.. Now, my teeth is like normal human teeth! I can smile normally already! I so happy! Hahaha. Thanks to mummy. She said she paid.... 1200 for my teeth. Lol. Ex right. LOLLLLL.
Did finish around ... 2?? Maybe, dont remember. Went Watsons to get my hair dye. I bought Hoyu brand. Cause Klaryce Lim Si Hui say the colour very fast come out. Hehehh. I bought Caramel Chocolate colour. I hope it would be obvious la. I wanted to eat Subway, but mummy wanna go office do something. I thought she went there awhile only. So i told her go her office first then go subway. Followed her up to her office. Everyone looked at me like i'm some kind of giant. Lol, pathetic. I saw Danny Ong. LOLLLLLLL. They talked finish, went to another part of the office with mummy and danny. Saw mummy's clique mates. HAHAHA. They damn funny one. Though i'm kinda extra there, i still kept laughing. Funny. HAHAHAH. Went off with mummy and danny. Mummy wanna send danny home. So mean, she forgot about my Subway.. ): Nevermind. In the car, mummy talking to danny, i also talking to him. Usually hor, i talk to adults got like the feeling of the age gap. But when i talk to him hor, it's like he is maybe a few years older than me liddat. LOL... And he told me he taught in Nan Chiau High & Catholic High before. Unbelievable. HAHAHA. My mum ask him to tutor me since he was a teacher before. LOL. And!!!! He asked me my birthday. So i told him la, then you know what. He told me he'll give me assessment books as my birthday presents. -.-!!!! Kukumalu.
Sent him home and we reached home. I cannot wait to dye my hair. Cause, i was praying hard that this time, the colour would be obvious! Then started doing and doing. Went and wash it off after 35 or 40 minutes. HAHA, i very kiasu. :P No colour lor... So sad. I walked into mummy's room, and said, "No colour lor... Everytime liddat." You know what! Mummy's reaction was, " WHAT NO COLOUR? So obvious you tell me no colour. You blind or what!" I chuatio. -.-. CAUSE REALLY I CANNOT SEE THE COLOUR. LOLLLLLL. Then i walked down to the kitchen. I show sad face to winnie and told her the same thing. HAHA. Then she also say no colour, but tell me to wait 3days, sure have colour. I walked out, cause bright ma, i tried to console myself by saying got colour, stand in the sun more often sure got colour. HAHAHAHAHAH. Winnie walked out, and said, "HAVE COLOUR WHAT..." Then i showed her f7 face. LOL. I walked more towards the light. I move one step, she " SEEEEEEEE " one time. Wah, qi si ren.
Then i dont care la. LOL. I wanna buy another bottle. ): I really want the colour to be obvious zzz. Ate dinner and now blogging. I'm gonna watch Boys Over Flower soon. I dont think i'll rush now. I still got alot of time. LOL, its not like i'm gonna die tomorrow right? :X
Below are pictures from today and yesterday. Man, i was thinking of whether i should post up MY FACE anot. Took me alot of courage you know. So i was thinking, must face up to the facts la right. If i look like that, i
cannot change it right. So post lor. Heheheh.

The colour. LOL...
Went to school as usual. Announcements and everything were so boring la. -.-. So ah, went back to classroom to check results. I waited so long. -.- Cause i was the freaking last index number. Hate last numbers la. So idiot. So waited waited and waited, then finish already went foyer wait for bus for my geography learning journey.
Went to LTA. Very fun man!!!! Luv it. Hahahah. Good thang i dint skip school. We dint had break leh. Left the place around 11plus. So hungry. Went to some hydroponics place. DAMN HOT. Can get heat stroke ohmygod. Cannot stand the heat. Somemore we dint eat, energy no more. Then finished already went back school. We were late already. Supposed to reach school by 12.15pm. But we reached the place at 12.05pm. And left the place at 12.45pm. =.=. Dumb right. Reached school 1plus pm. Still need to go hall, cause Peterson wanna see us. He told us that we cannot fail maths. The rest fail maths one must retake or something. Those pass one can enjoy holiday(yeah right). So off we went back home. HAHA.
Reached home, damn tired. EAT MAC. :D:D:D Watching Boys Over Flowers at the same time. I very slow lah mygod. SO SLOW LAH. I wished i could watch it faster. Then slack slack slack. (Cannot remember what i do.HAHAHAH)
Dint go school. :D Cleaning day. Blah, dont want. HAHAH. Woke up at 9. Mummy woke me up. She saw my piercing. She asked me why i dint tell her. Then she angry, stomped out of the room. I faster go brush teeth and rushed out of the room just to say sorry to her. LOL. But she still angry la. Then started talking about my results again. See, the disadvantage of getting poor results. Hehhh.
10 went to bathe and prepare. Followed mummy go cut hair. I wanted to dye my hair. But mummy told me not enough time. So i asked her if i could buy the dye thingy then come back dye myself. She said okay. YAY. Lol. Went and cut my hair too. People said it was nice(i dont think so. I look like mushroom head now). LOL? Nice meh. I dont dare take picture of myself. So cannot show. Heheh.
After that, went to dentist to do my teeth. I saw Goh Mei Yi's mummy. So mean, first thing she said to me is "you fat already." in chinese... Urghhhhhhhhhhh.Dont care la, knew it. Went to do teeeeth. Omg so pain. Actually not really lah. But the injection was like.... -.-. Scared. And the sound of the machine. Dontknow what is that. Scary.. Now, my teeth is like normal human teeth! I can smile normally already! I so happy! Hahaha. Thanks to mummy. She said she paid.... 1200 for my teeth. Lol. Ex right. LOLLLLL.
Did finish around ... 2?? Maybe, dont remember. Went Watsons to get my hair dye. I bought Hoyu brand. Cause Klaryce Lim Si Hui say the colour very fast come out. Hehehh. I bought Caramel Chocolate colour. I hope it would be obvious la. I wanted to eat Subway, but mummy wanna go office do something. I thought she went there awhile only. So i told her go her office first then go subway. Followed her up to her office. Everyone looked at me like i'm some kind of giant. Lol, pathetic. I saw Danny Ong. LOLLLLLLL. They talked finish, went to another part of the office with mummy and danny. Saw mummy's clique mates. HAHAHA. They damn funny one. Though i'm kinda extra there, i still kept laughing. Funny. HAHAHAH. Went off with mummy and danny. Mummy wanna send danny home. So mean, she forgot about my Subway.. ): Nevermind. In the car, mummy talking to danny, i also talking to him. Usually hor, i talk to adults got like the feeling of the age gap. But when i talk to him hor, it's like he is maybe a few years older than me liddat. LOL... And he told me he taught in Nan Chiau High & Catholic High before. Unbelievable. HAHAHA. My mum ask him to tutor me since he was a teacher before. LOL. And!!!! He asked me my birthday. So i told him la, then you know what. He told me he'll give me assessment books as my birthday presents. -.-!!!! Kukumalu.
Sent him home and we reached home. I cannot wait to dye my hair. Cause, i was praying hard that this time, the colour would be obvious! Then started doing and doing. Went and wash it off after 35 or 40 minutes. HAHA, i very kiasu. :P No colour lor... So sad. I walked into mummy's room, and said, "No colour lor... Everytime liddat." You know what! Mummy's reaction was, " WHAT NO COLOUR? So obvious you tell me no colour. You blind or what!" I chuatio. -.-. CAUSE REALLY I CANNOT SEE THE COLOUR. LOLLLLLL. Then i walked down to the kitchen. I show sad face to winnie and told her the same thing. HAHA. Then she also say no colour, but tell me to wait 3days, sure have colour. I walked out, cause bright ma, i tried to console myself by saying got colour, stand in the sun more often sure got colour. HAHAHAHAHAH. Winnie walked out, and said, "HAVE COLOUR WHAT..." Then i showed her f7 face. LOL. I walked more towards the light. I move one step, she " SEEEEEEEE " one time. Wah, qi si ren.
Then i dont care la. LOL. I wanna buy another bottle. ): I really want the colour to be obvious zzz. Ate dinner and now blogging. I'm gonna watch Boys Over Flower soon. I dont think i'll rush now. I still got alot of time. LOL, its not like i'm gonna die tomorrow right? :X
Below are pictures from today and yesterday. Man, i was thinking of whether i should post up MY FACE anot. Took me alot of courage you know. So i was thinking, must face up to the facts la right. If i look like that, i
cannot change it right. So post lor. Heheheh.

The colour. LOL...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
YoYo Yo! :D Went to Kranji War Cemetery (Whatever it is called, dont remember. -.-.) today. Reached school, went up hall, they talktalktalk, went down foyer, waited for bus then went to idk where. I don't remember what is it called. It was like a walk liddat. Damn wuliao one. -.-. After there went to some wholesale place. -.-. Ate chicken rice. HAHA.
You know, when we go up the bus, me and Jazreel don't want to sit infront. So we squeeze behind with Charlotte and Yolande. Yolande sit on Charlotte. I sit on Jazreel. =.=!!!!!! I'm like so heavy, i dont even dare to put my weight on her. Then she told yolande that she was heavier than me?! OMG. -.-. What nonsense. Like no need to weigh also know she lighter than me ma! So kuku. Then i damn uncomfortable. LOL. It was almost like i was standing. Then teacher don't allow us to sit liddat. Tell us move infront again. We don't want. In the end let us sit behind. LOLOLOLLLLL.
The person in charge of our class damn talkative la. Talktalktalktalk and talk. I also donno what she talking. All History one. She talk as if she was from that century you know, as if she had seen what had happened during the past. LOL.. Wow. Headed to some idk what place also. The staircase scare me. SUPER SUPER LONG. -.-... Cher in cher told us to go up. See some old thingy la. But me zhihao and Jazreel dint go up. They come down, regret. Cause the old thingy i think not there already. Wasted their energy climbing up the stairs. In the mid point of the staircase, there is this stupid uncle sitting down there. The other teacher in charge of another class told him that we're lazy to climb up. He so extra one. -.-. "YEAH, you must make them climb up and down 10times." WTF. Go and die la he.
Last stop was the cemetery lor. That place was nice. Kinda liked it. But i was damn damn damn sleepy already. I walked like not stable one, like anytime can fall down. LOL. Having headache too. ALL OF A SUDDEN LOR. =.= Reach school 12.50 liddat. Went home watched Boys Over Flowers. Now also watching. But it's loading. Stupid desktop. The keyboard spoil. Then i cannot use that one. Now this dumb laptop load so slow. So blog first to kill time. HAHAH.
I realised i'm posting pictures nowadays ah. :D Not me. BUT STILL PICTURES RIGHT? Lame pictures actually.

This is the yesterday's Leadership Workshop the lecturer.

Anyhow snap one. LOL!
You know, when we go up the bus, me and Jazreel don't want to sit infront. So we squeeze behind with Charlotte and Yolande. Yolande sit on Charlotte. I sit on Jazreel. =.=!!!!!! I'm like so heavy, i dont even dare to put my weight on her. Then she told yolande that she was heavier than me?! OMG. -.-. What nonsense. Like no need to weigh also know she lighter than me ma! So kuku. Then i damn uncomfortable. LOL. It was almost like i was standing. Then teacher don't allow us to sit liddat. Tell us move infront again. We don't want. In the end let us sit behind. LOLOLOLLLLL.
The person in charge of our class damn talkative la. Talktalktalktalk and talk. I also donno what she talking. All History one. She talk as if she was from that century you know, as if she had seen what had happened during the past. LOL.. Wow. Headed to some idk what place also. The staircase scare me. SUPER SUPER LONG. -.-... Cher in cher told us to go up. See some old thingy la. But me zhihao and Jazreel dint go up. They come down, regret. Cause the old thingy i think not there already. Wasted their energy climbing up the stairs. In the mid point of the staircase, there is this stupid uncle sitting down there. The other teacher in charge of another class told him that we're lazy to climb up. He so extra one. -.-. "YEAH, you must make them climb up and down 10times." WTF. Go and die la he.
Last stop was the cemetery lor. That place was nice. Kinda liked it. But i was damn damn damn sleepy already. I walked like not stable one, like anytime can fall down. LOL. Having headache too. ALL OF A SUDDEN LOR. =.= Reach school 12.50 liddat. Went home watched Boys Over Flowers. Now also watching. But it's loading. Stupid desktop. The keyboard spoil. Then i cannot use that one. Now this dumb laptop load so slow. So blog first to kill time. HAHAH.
I realised i'm posting pictures nowadays ah. :D Not me. BUT STILL PICTURES RIGHT? Lame pictures actually.

This is the yesterday's Leadership Workshop the lecturer.

Anyhow snap one. LOL!
I'm so crazy over this show now. HAHA. KIM HYUN JOONG!!!!!! Luv him luv him LUV HIM MAN!
Boys Over Flowers
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
HI LOW. :D (Get it? High and low...? HAHAHAH. -.-.) Today was quite a high and low day la. LOL. Let me start.
Went to school like all the other school days, except today, we sat at the hall until our butts hurt like no one's business. Had some sexuality talk. It's damn.... gross. They talked about sex disease. ITS DAMN GROSS. They still got pictures. Omg, i cannot get it off my head. GROSS KAY. Then recess. Walk around walk around. So sian la. Then mother suddenly texted me. So... guess what. She found out bout my grades. You know from where? HERE. THAT'S WHERE. Blogs are so ....... Sometimes i just hate blogging. But i seriously need a place to rant ma. Lol.
So i got scolded over the messages. BLAHBLAHBLAH. Like so pekchek la. Jazreel bunny found out bout the thing.She consoled me somehow. Yolande and Charlotte too. They were down there, listening to my tragic story. They too, were sharing their own tragic stories. Good time with them. Then Jazreel went and write some wordings on her SHOE. LOL. I took a photo of it. It was so blur. She used her phone to take, clear man! Cybershot phones.... HAHAH. But i cannot post it up. Cause my phone was confiscated. -.-.
Had another talk on leadership. So shitty. -.-. All crap one. Wasting my time there. I rather go eat sia. LOL. Eat buffet. HAHA. Waited for mum to fetch me lor. Had cold war with her till night time. -.-. Reached home, bathed and eat. Watched tv until fall asleep. Suddenly, i felt someone was rampaging my room. Those door banging sounds, cupboard door banging sounds. I thought it was my father. Cause obviously, he would have found out bout my results. And, i always keep my bags in my cupboard. Maybe he knows, so trying to find my worksheets and blahblah, then wanna find where my bag was, so make my room upside down. LOL!! So i pretended to sleep, even though i already woke up. Then!? GUESS WHO CAME OUT OF MY ROOM. -.-..... WINNIE CALUBACUIB GOLA. THAT KUKUMALU. MAKE MY HEART BEAT SO FAST FOR NOTHING. SHE'S SUCHA KUKU!
So woke up and went to my room. Looked myself at the mirror, I NEARLY FAINTED. My hair like bush liddat. Wah, cannot stand the look. I wanted to go striaghten my hair, then my dad came to my room. Talking the same stuffs. ._. He acted as if he dint know my results. Abit not like him. LOL. (Then i know he havent boil yet.) Then when he walked out of the room, i started straightening my hair. PHEW, looked much better.
Then went and chatted with damn CALUBACUIB. LOL. Talking to her is the best thing i can do if i'm depressed. :P Talked to her till like 5 plus. Then watched tv. I watched the Channel U, 100% entertainment. LOL!!! XIAOZHU DAMN CUTE I TELL YOU. HAHAHAHHA. I cannot stop laughing. Really entertainment. After that, went down for dinner. Stupid calubacuib make me laugh again. Then went out of house to make a nuisance for awhile. HAHAHA. Need to laugh abit more.
Went in and talked to parents lor. Lol. Talktalktalk. TALK TALK TALK. Talk finish already, asked back for my phone. She tell me must plan WHOLE JUNE HOLS. Zzzzz.... Finefinefinefine. -.-.
Went to school like all the other school days, except today, we sat at the hall until our butts hurt like no one's business. Had some sexuality talk. It's damn.... gross. They talked about sex disease. ITS DAMN GROSS. They still got pictures. Omg, i cannot get it off my head. GROSS KAY. Then recess. Walk around walk around. So sian la. Then mother suddenly texted me. So... guess what. She found out bout my grades. You know from where? HERE. THAT'S WHERE. Blogs are so ....... Sometimes i just hate blogging. But i seriously need a place to rant ma. Lol.
So i got scolded over the messages. BLAHBLAHBLAH. Like so pekchek la. Jazreel bunny found out bout the thing.She consoled me somehow. Yolande and Charlotte too. They were down there, listening to my tragic story. They too, were sharing their own tragic stories. Good time with them. Then Jazreel went and write some wordings on her SHOE. LOL. I took a photo of it. It was so blur. She used her phone to take, clear man! Cybershot phones.... HAHAH. But i cannot post it up. Cause my phone was confiscated. -.-.
Had another talk on leadership. So shitty. -.-. All crap one. Wasting my time there. I rather go eat sia. LOL. Eat buffet. HAHA. Waited for mum to fetch me lor. Had cold war with her till night time. -.-. Reached home, bathed and eat. Watched tv until fall asleep. Suddenly, i felt someone was rampaging my room. Those door banging sounds, cupboard door banging sounds. I thought it was my father. Cause obviously, he would have found out bout my results. And, i always keep my bags in my cupboard. Maybe he knows, so trying to find my worksheets and blahblah, then wanna find where my bag was, so make my room upside down. LOL!! So i pretended to sleep, even though i already woke up. Then!? GUESS WHO CAME OUT OF MY ROOM. -.-..... WINNIE CALUBACUIB GOLA. THAT KUKUMALU. MAKE MY HEART BEAT SO FAST FOR NOTHING. SHE'S SUCHA KUKU!
So woke up and went to my room. Looked myself at the mirror, I NEARLY FAINTED. My hair like bush liddat. Wah, cannot stand the look. I wanted to go striaghten my hair, then my dad came to my room. Talking the same stuffs. ._. He acted as if he dint know my results. Abit not like him. LOL. (Then i know he havent boil yet.) Then when he walked out of the room, i started straightening my hair. PHEW, looked much better.
Then went and chatted with damn CALUBACUIB. LOL. Talking to her is the best thing i can do if i'm depressed. :P Talked to her till like 5 plus. Then watched tv. I watched the Channel U, 100% entertainment. LOL!!! XIAOZHU DAMN CUTE I TELL YOU. HAHAHAHHA. I cannot stop laughing. Really entertainment. After that, went down for dinner. Stupid calubacuib make me laugh again. Then went out of house to make a nuisance for awhile. HAHAHA. Need to laugh abit more.
Went in and talked to parents lor. Lol. Talktalktalk. TALK TALK TALK. Talk finish already, asked back for my phone. She tell me must plan WHOLE JUNE HOLS. Zzzzz.... Finefinefinefine. -.-.
Monday, May 25, 2009
2nd post of the dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Cannot think of anything else to do. Wonder what would happen if they found out my results. Zzzzz... Dont know why everytime have to face this kind of shit zzzz. And now, it's like already the last week of school, nothing to do in school also. She don't let me stay at home. Damn wth. I NEVER DONT GO SCHOOL FOR ONCE YOU KNOW. One time exception also cannot. WHY LAH. ?!?!?!?!?! Can burst out of anger ohmygod.
Don't know why, I JUST WANT TO CRY MAN. REALLY. I'm saying this first, this post is random. if you dont understand what shit i'm writing then forget it.
WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO TO FUCKING LET THEM TRUST ME. OMG. Yes, I AM 2000% sure, after they know my exam results, THEY'LL SURE GROUND ME. I'M NOT ASSUMMING. I've been leading this kind of LIFE ever since YOUNG. I'm dying.... Why.... Why are they liddat.............
Don't know why, I JUST WANT TO CRY MAN. REALLY. I'm saying this first, this post is random. if you dont understand what shit i'm writing then forget it.
WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO TO FUCKING LET THEM TRUST ME. OMG. Yes, I AM 2000% sure, after they know my exam results, THEY'LL SURE GROUND ME. I'M NOT ASSUMMING. I've been leading this kind of LIFE ever since YOUNG. I'm dying.... Why.... Why are they liddat.............
Normal day today. Got back my results. Fucking horrible. I cannot even believed i got this kind of idiot marks. I swear i got study okay. I just don't understand why the results turned out to be so bad. Sigh. Now i cannot do anything. I smsed Fion. Walao she damn. -.-. Make me feel more horrible mygod. I cried la omg. I failed 3 subjects you know. And all those subjects i put so much fucking effort in it. Sigh. I don't want to study already la. It's seriously no use. I think i have to ren ming already.....
But i wanna say thanks to Benjamin Yeo Chiang Pin. At least he still talked to me. ._. & cheered me up! THANKS ALOT. ALOT ALOT ALOT. Hahahaha. He still chatted with me you know. This dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumbo! x3 Luv him to the max. Took some pictures in class today. Not by me. Yolande's the culprit. HAHAHAHA.


They do that everytime, used to it already. GAYS. HAHAHA.

Jonas and Charlotte. :D
After school went amk eat with Jazreel. Haha. Ate finished followed her buy mac for her sister. Then followed her to taxi stand. Then i went home. Immediately watched Boys Over Flowers. I'm at episode 8 only. Urgh. So freaking slow right? -.-. I know i know. HAHA.
Yesterday went thai restaurant to eat dinner. Mummy dint came along cause she wasnt feeling well. Well, stupid brother showed me some fucked up face. So i decided to take a photo of him looking damn retarded. HAHAHAHA.

COOL HUH? Spot me. :D LOL!!

Okay, i still don't believe why Jerry Yan and this Gu Jun Pyo look so alike mygod.

Lol! Let me start my nonsense again, MAJOR OH MY GOD, THEY SEEM TO BE TWO SAME PEOPLE. REALLY WHAT. NO MEH!!!!???! HAHAHAHAHA. It's kinda obvious they are different people ANW. HAHA. I'm just being dramatic here. Let you guys have some laugh. You can laugh in any reasons. Laugh cause its funny, laugh cause im lame. laugh cause of something la. LOL. :D
Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo!!!! This character in the show is the bestest!!!!!! This kind of guy, already extinct on earth already la. Ohmygod man. Luv him luv him!
But i wanna say thanks to Benjamin Yeo Chiang Pin. At least he still talked to me. ._. & cheered me up! THANKS ALOT. ALOT ALOT ALOT. Hahahaha. He still chatted with me you know. This dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumbo! x3 Luv him to the max. Took some pictures in class today. Not by me. Yolande's the culprit. HAHAHAHA.


They do that everytime, used to it already. GAYS. HAHAHA.

Jonas and Charlotte. :D
After school went amk eat with Jazreel. Haha. Ate finished followed her buy mac for her sister. Then followed her to taxi stand. Then i went home. Immediately watched Boys Over Flowers. I'm at episode 8 only. Urgh. So freaking slow right? -.-. I know i know. HAHA.
Yesterday went thai restaurant to eat dinner. Mummy dint came along cause she wasnt feeling well. Well, stupid brother showed me some fucked up face. So i decided to take a photo of him looking damn retarded. HAHAHAHA.

COOL HUH? Spot me. :D LOL!!

Okay, i still don't believe why Jerry Yan and this Gu Jun Pyo look so alike mygod.

Lol! Let me start my nonsense again, MAJOR OH MY GOD, THEY SEEM TO BE TWO SAME PEOPLE. REALLY WHAT. NO MEH!!!!???! HAHAHAHAHA. It's kinda obvious they are different people ANW. HAHA. I'm just being dramatic here. Let you guys have some laugh. You can laugh in any reasons. Laugh cause its funny, laugh cause im lame. laugh cause of something la. LOL. :D
Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo Yun Ji Hoo!!!! This character in the show is the bestest!!!!!! This kind of guy, already extinct on earth already la. Ohmygod man. Luv him luv him!
Sunday, May 24, 2009

I seriously dint expect myself to get hoooked up on the show, Boys Over Flowers. LOL. It's i think somehow the korean version of Meteor Garden. LOL. It's like exactly the same la. Only they twisted some parts of the story. HAHA. Then there is this song in the beginning, same as the show in My Girl. LOL. I see Annabelle's blog, i see wrong. I thought the girl in the show was from My Girl. Wrong already. HAHAHA. NICE SHOW. I think i'm buying the disc. LOL. Yay me. :D
I'm back to edit. Hahahah. Since i'm talking about the same things here, i shall just edit the same post. Hahahha. I just realised, that Gu Jun Pyo from the show seriously looks like Dao Ming Si(Jerry Yan in Meteor Garden). I've got a few screen shots i took in the show. Below!

This is that Gu Jun Pyo you know!! My god, like identical twins x.x! I also realised, Boys Over Flowers is a conbined of Meteor Garden 1&2. AHHHH. THAT MEANS THE GU JUN PYO WILL LOSE HIS MEMORY?!?!?! -.-... Omg, no leh. I dont like that part omg. -.-. You know meteor garden 2. I watch until the part he nearly marry the extra girl, i stopped watching already. People say the ending is nice. But i dint carry on. LOL.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
So tired today. Seriously, i wanna sleep now. But the thought of something made me boil like mad. Zzzzz.
Woke up at 8plus for guitar lesson. The teacher kept making me laugh. My teeth so ugly i keep trying to hide. Then after lesson, i forgot to take my book. He ran after me just to return my book. =.=. Everyone laughed. I also dont know why. LOL.
Returned home and played audition with coco.(nico) I'm rusting, i am damndamn noob. -.-. After that went to bathe and prepare for dance. Met jie at mrt station and off we went. Reached there around 1.15 i think. Then went Cold Storage buy drink. Stupid KLARYCE LIM SI HUI tempt me to buy chocolates. So what "chocolates makes people happy. So must buy, dance will be happier." Something liddat. ROARS. So bought la. LOL.
I now know i'm not really cut out for Jazz movements. I'm like way better in hiphop than jazz. Jazz too slow already, i cannot take it. LOL! But it's really very nice. See jie dance, ohmygod, i can quit dancing man. -.-. Heheh. After dance, went Gym with her. We go cycle. Cycle until sweat like siao. Then we went on the threadmill. Very fast come down liao. I ran only 1.4km. LOL. We go see our weight. SHE SAY SHE LOST 5kg. -.-. But the machine not accurate, so we dont care. HAHA. Went to buy drink. Honeydew with Milk. Tastes weird, but still drinkable.

Sent jiejie home, and she told me she going restaurant eat to celebrate her youngest sister's birthday in advance. HAHAHAHAH! Effort wasted hor. But she also told me she might not be eating. Blahblah.
Prepared for church and headed to church. Winnie forgot to bring the keys. It was left in my mum's room. Yup, locked outside. I dint care la. Went to church round 6.10 i think. First look at those people, i dint see him. So i assummed he dint come and went up for mass. Then, i saw him. Super alot of altar servers today. LOL. I also dont know why. Alot of kids. So pray pray pray time.
After that, waited for awhile in the church, wanna see i lucky anot. Winnie said she saw them went behind the church. LOL. So, slowly, i saw one by one of them coming out. AND YES, I THINK I SAW HIM. BUT GUESS WHAT?!?!?!!? STUPID WINNIE JUST WALKED AWAY(BACK HOME.) I COULD HAVE TAKEN A CLOSER LOOK. -.-. Stupid. I just missed by maybe a few minutes. I JUST DONT BELIEVE MY LUCK. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG LA OMG. -.-.
Head home, feeling damn bu fu qi i tell you. I think he heard me from inside. Alot of people heard me. -.-. I think most diu lian one is winnie. She started screaming at me first. I dont know why she so scared to die. We're locked outside. I cannot even think of a way how will she get the keys. Somemore parents not at home. SO IRRITATING LA. Reached home, she said she left backdoor key at the backdoor on purpose. So, we used some bamboo stick to pull the key out. I think my hand got bruise. -.-. Still managed to pull the key out. Then we open the first door. CANNOT OPEN. It can only be opened from inside of the gate. Winnie hand small, can fit in, so she managed to open after so many failures.
Woke up at 8plus for guitar lesson. The teacher kept making me laugh. My teeth so ugly i keep trying to hide. Then after lesson, i forgot to take my book. He ran after me just to return my book. =.=. Everyone laughed. I also dont know why. LOL.
Returned home and played audition with coco.(nico) I'm rusting, i am damndamn noob. -.-. After that went to bathe and prepare for dance. Met jie at mrt station and off we went. Reached there around 1.15 i think. Then went Cold Storage buy drink. Stupid KLARYCE LIM SI HUI tempt me to buy chocolates. So what "chocolates makes people happy. So must buy, dance will be happier." Something liddat. ROARS. So bought la. LOL.
I now know i'm not really cut out for Jazz movements. I'm like way better in hiphop than jazz. Jazz too slow already, i cannot take it. LOL! But it's really very nice. See jie dance, ohmygod, i can quit dancing man. -.-. Heheh. After dance, went Gym with her. We go cycle. Cycle until sweat like siao. Then we went on the threadmill. Very fast come down liao. I ran only 1.4km. LOL. We go see our weight. SHE SAY SHE LOST 5kg. -.-. But the machine not accurate, so we dont care. HAHA. Went to buy drink. Honeydew with Milk. Tastes weird, but still drinkable.

Sent jiejie home, and she told me she going restaurant eat to celebrate her youngest sister's birthday in advance. HAHAHAHAH! Effort wasted hor. But she also told me she might not be eating. Blahblah.
Prepared for church and headed to church. Winnie forgot to bring the keys. It was left in my mum's room. Yup, locked outside. I dint care la. Went to church round 6.10 i think. First look at those people, i dint see him. So i assummed he dint come and went up for mass. Then, i saw him. Super alot of altar servers today. LOL. I also dont know why. Alot of kids. So pray pray pray time.
After that, waited for awhile in the church, wanna see i lucky anot. Winnie said she saw them went behind the church. LOL. So, slowly, i saw one by one of them coming out. AND YES, I THINK I SAW HIM. BUT GUESS WHAT?!?!?!!? STUPID WINNIE JUST WALKED AWAY(BACK HOME.) I COULD HAVE TAKEN A CLOSER LOOK. -.-. Stupid. I just missed by maybe a few minutes. I JUST DONT BELIEVE MY LUCK. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG LA OMG. -.-.
Head home, feeling damn bu fu qi i tell you. I think he heard me from inside. Alot of people heard me. -.-. I think most diu lian one is winnie. She started screaming at me first. I dont know why she so scared to die. We're locked outside. I cannot even think of a way how will she get the keys. Somemore parents not at home. SO IRRITATING LA. Reached home, she said she left backdoor key at the backdoor on purpose. So, we used some bamboo stick to pull the key out. I think my hand got bruise. -.-. Still managed to pull the key out. Then we open the first door. CANNOT OPEN. It can only be opened from inside of the gate. Winnie hand small, can fit in, so she managed to open after so many failures.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I woke up at 8.49am. You know why? CAUSE THE AIR CON WAS OFF-ED. The sun burning my pigu already!!!! LOL. Then woke up, mummy came to my room. I asked her why she off my air con so early. LOL. She thought i was meeting jiejie at 11.30am. LOL. Then i told her it was 1hour later. She let me sleep longer, but how to sleep, the sun so hot ohmygod.
So woke up and played audition. Very idiot la. I can chance ABIT now. All my scores with other people all so close to winning one sia. STUPID. I looked at the time, 10.30 already. I RUN GO BATHE and prepare. Prepared finished, 11.15 already. Online awhile, 11.35 alreeady! I RUN OUT KOVAN. My god, very tiring sia. Check my ezilink. CANNOT WORK. I dont know why. Havent activate i guess. -.-. So i run to the busstop and exchanged coins with the aunty there. The aunty very kind. HAHAHA.
When the bus came already 11.50 liddat. God man. Jiejie reached TM at ... i dont know, 1205 liddat? SOT RIGHT? I still got far far distance to go man. Reached Tampines int at 12.50 liddat. I lost my way x.x!? Super alot of people, and they made me so confused. LOL... I called jie to come to my rescue. She dint really helped la actually. :X I found the way myself. I first spotted the mall. Then i look look look, anyhow walk. LOL. In the end still ended up in the mall. Lucky me.
Went up to Cinema there. I spotted jiejie! SHE DAMN CUTE. I saw the clothes she wore, was what i wanted to wear. She wore polka dotted singlet(white singlet black dots) with cardi(white) and shorts. I wanted to wear polka dotted singlet( black singlet white dots) with cardi(black) and shorts. But i see myself in the mirror, goddamnit. FREAKING FAT LA. So i changed. Actually i looked even fatter. But who cares, no time already. LOL.. So coincidential. If only i wore the same.. HAHAH. It would look damn funny. Never say what to wear, but still wore the same. Alamak!
Went 77th street to get our ears pierced. Jie wanted Helix. I told her to, she dont want. So she pierced her third earhole on the left. I poked my 2nd earhole on the right and the 3rd earhole on the left. WOOHOO. Pain leh. Lucky never touch bone. Hahaha. Went to walk around. Then movie time was up, went to cinema bought things to eat. SHE KEPT TEMPTING ME LA. I bought Nachos and cheesy hotdog share with jie. Watched Night In The Musuem 2! ITS DAMN NICE. DAMN FUNNY. AHAHAHHA. THE CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW DAMN CUTE. Cannot stop laughing. HAHA. Someone said the cupids in the show are the Jonas Brothers. Actually i dint notice X.X But i know one of them looked like Joe. Dont know if it is. LOL. But they sang Love Bug. So maybe it is. HAHAHA. JONAS BROTHERS AS CUPIDS. LOL!!!
After the show, went looking around the whole shopping mall. Nothing we liked, at all. -.-.. Went T1. Nothing also. But we went into More Than Words. I saw DUMBO sitting right at the top. I meant Dumbo dumbo, not benjamin dumbo. LOL!

Then went back TM. Cause i told jie inside got Mango. She dint know. LOL! I lead the wrong way. She told me maybe Mango inside Isetan. Then i told her NO LA. -.-.. But it really was inside. My sense of direction really die. LOL. Bought clothes. We did last minute shopping la. That time was already like... 5? I think.
Bought clothes and went to Cotton On. Also last minute. I wanted to buy some weird jacket jie asked me to buy. But i scared my mum say i spend too much though she gave me alot. (I know she's testing me, see whether i got spend alot anot. Everytime liddat one.) So i only bought one clothing. I spent $53 on clothes. ._. And ... i dont know how much on food and ticket. Lazy to count. HAHA.
I rushed back home, cause i scared mummy angry with me again. Then i was rushing rushing like a mad woman seriously, i looked damn unglam already. In the bus, there was this girl who looked like me. She even sat beside me. -.-... LOL. I do what action, she also follow. I mean like, on the same time. How weird. Both of us was wearing pink shirt and white shorts. She was carrying a Cotton On plastic bag, and so was I. The moment her phone rang, my phone rang too. ._. So weird. LOL. We also stopped at the same station. LMAO SIA.
Rush rush rushhhhhhh!!! So i reached home at 7.18pm. 3minutes late. Again. -.-. (One of the reasons why on wednesday my mum was so angry.) So crazy. LOL. I was sweating like hell, it was as if i ran the whole kovan place. HAH?! Now i'm going to go rest and bathe and watch tv and sleep. HAHAHA. BYEEEE!
So woke up and played audition. Very idiot la. I can chance ABIT now. All my scores with other people all so close to winning one sia. STUPID. I looked at the time, 10.30 already. I RUN GO BATHE and prepare. Prepared finished, 11.15 already. Online awhile, 11.35 alreeady! I RUN OUT KOVAN. My god, very tiring sia. Check my ezilink. CANNOT WORK. I dont know why. Havent activate i guess. -.-. So i run to the busstop and exchanged coins with the aunty there. The aunty very kind. HAHAHA.
When the bus came already 11.50 liddat. God man. Jiejie reached TM at ... i dont know, 1205 liddat? SOT RIGHT? I still got far far distance to go man. Reached Tampines int at 12.50 liddat. I lost my way x.x!? Super alot of people, and they made me so confused. LOL... I called jie to come to my rescue. She dint really helped la actually. :X I found the way myself. I first spotted the mall. Then i look look look, anyhow walk. LOL. In the end still ended up in the mall. Lucky me.
Went up to Cinema there. I spotted jiejie! SHE DAMN CUTE. I saw the clothes she wore, was what i wanted to wear. She wore polka dotted singlet(white singlet black dots) with cardi(white) and shorts. I wanted to wear polka dotted singlet( black singlet white dots) with cardi(black) and shorts. But i see myself in the mirror, goddamnit. FREAKING FAT LA. So i changed. Actually i looked even fatter. But who cares, no time already. LOL.. So coincidential. If only i wore the same.. HAHAH. It would look damn funny. Never say what to wear, but still wore the same. Alamak!
Went 77th street to get our ears pierced. Jie wanted Helix. I told her to, she dont want. So she pierced her third earhole on the left. I poked my 2nd earhole on the right and the 3rd earhole on the left. WOOHOO. Pain leh. Lucky never touch bone. Hahaha. Went to walk around. Then movie time was up, went to cinema bought things to eat. SHE KEPT TEMPTING ME LA. I bought Nachos and cheesy hotdog share with jie. Watched Night In The Musuem 2! ITS DAMN NICE. DAMN FUNNY. AHAHAHHA. THE CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW DAMN CUTE. Cannot stop laughing. HAHA. Someone said the cupids in the show are the Jonas Brothers. Actually i dint notice X.X But i know one of them looked like Joe. Dont know if it is. LOL. But they sang Love Bug. So maybe it is. HAHAHA. JONAS BROTHERS AS CUPIDS. LOL!!!
After the show, went looking around the whole shopping mall. Nothing we liked, at all. -.-.. Went T1. Nothing also. But we went into More Than Words. I saw DUMBO sitting right at the top. I meant Dumbo dumbo, not benjamin dumbo. LOL!

Then went back TM. Cause i told jie inside got Mango. She dint know. LOL! I lead the wrong way. She told me maybe Mango inside Isetan. Then i told her NO LA. -.-.. But it really was inside. My sense of direction really die. LOL. Bought clothes. We did last minute shopping la. That time was already like... 5? I think.
Bought clothes and went to Cotton On. Also last minute. I wanted to buy some weird jacket jie asked me to buy. But i scared my mum say i spend too much though she gave me alot. (I know she's testing me, see whether i got spend alot anot. Everytime liddat one.) So i only bought one clothing. I spent $53 on clothes. ._. And ... i dont know how much on food and ticket. Lazy to count. HAHA.
I rushed back home, cause i scared mummy angry with me again. Then i was rushing rushing like a mad woman seriously, i looked damn unglam already. In the bus, there was this girl who looked like me. She even sat beside me. -.-... LOL. I do what action, she also follow. I mean like, on the same time. How weird. Both of us was wearing pink shirt and white shorts. She was carrying a Cotton On plastic bag, and so was I. The moment her phone rang, my phone rang too. ._. So weird. LOL. We also stopped at the same station. LMAO SIA.
Rush rush rushhhhhhh!!! So i reached home at 7.18pm. 3minutes late. Again. -.-. (One of the reasons why on wednesday my mum was so angry.) So crazy. LOL. I was sweating like hell, it was as if i ran the whole kovan place. HAH?! Now i'm going to go rest and bathe and watch tv and sleep. HAHAHA. BYEEEE!
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