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    Sunday, July 18, 2010


    People don't look at your personality first. People judge you automatically by your looks and then try to get to know your personality. But if they don't like your looks, they won't give a damn about you. That's how reality is. That is why the first impression of many people to me are like total opposite from their current impression.

    Hello guyz. I'm back to blogging. The weekends are kinda boring for me, again, as usual. Ugh seriously hate weekends. When i'm alone, in my room, my emotions go wild and i think of all sorts of surreal things, which would never EVER happen to me.

    So i went for Hiphop open class on Saturday together with Brice. Now i know what Brice meant when he said it was level 10. LOL i couldnt see what the teacher was teaching :( I got hold of the steps still though, after many practices. I wanna go Street Jazz. Anyone wanna follow? 31st July, 2pm and you've to pay $20 for first timer.

    Went home and was busy all day long with the First impression thingy on Facebook. Then went Tampines Mall with family for dinner and stuff. Reached home, bathed and i forgot what i did. Talked on the phone for a little while and went to bed at 1plus in the morning.

    My life's boring i know... :( There's school tomorrow. I have DNT homework to do :( Sigh i feel like dying.