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    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    Its the inside of you that really matters.

    Hey. I just saw the recent vid of Shane Dawson. Wow it totally impressed me. Yes i know you might have heard what he said in the video your entire life but still, it touches me everytime i hear it. People who feel inferior and stuff like that should totally watch this video, even if you dont like him or whatsoever reason you've got.

    The coolest thing about this was i wrote the exact same thing he said in the video. I totally cant believe it. Okay i was supposed to do a self essay for Dance. The last part of the essay, i have to write a Message to anyone. So i decided to write to myself. To encourage me that no matter what, no one can change me. I wrote this: Even though i'm fat, i'm not pretty and unattractive, there'd still be someone out there who will accept you for who you are. Those who only think looks are important and discriminate you because you're ugly, you should not even bother or think about them!

    AH FUCK. I hate people who disrupt my thoughts when i'm blogging. SO IRRITATING. I'm such a forgetful person. The moment i post this, I WILL NOT REMEMBER IT ANYMORE. DAMN IT. I should really put on bigbig earphone so that i will not hear their bloody chatters and wont give a heck about them man. DAMN IT. Ok whatever. Every night is a bloody night and every morning is a dreadful morning.

    Worst thing happened in school today. Ok not really worst but, I'm unfortunate to have Ms Esther How pangsai as my English teacher. Like wtf she's fucking bias please. She has never passed my English before. NEVER! I've got 2 English teachers. Ms liew, and her that bitch. Ms liew is a HALF australian and that esther is a PURE SINGAPOREAN. Its freaking obvious that Ms liew's English is waaaaay better than Esther how la. Is she trying to break record or something? NO ONE HAS EVER SAID THAT I COULDNT EVEN FORM A SIMPLE ENGLISH SENTENCE. Its fucking offensive seriously. I dont care if you're a teacher or whatsoever ok. Ha If the next thing i hear from Esther how, would be: I bet your chinese is better than English. IF SHE EVER SAY THAT I THINK SHE REALLY NEED TO VISIT A NEUROLOGIST. Crazy crazy crazy!!!!

    Cmon, i'm not perfect i know. I know my English is not THAT marvelous BUT WTH SERIOUSLY. CANNOT FORM A SIMPLE ENGLISH SENTENCE?!@#*$&(@*^@#$! Feel like slapping your fat face. -.- You always talk with no feeling sia really. I pray to god you wont be 3E3's teacher next year man.

    Okay enough of the rants. Piss me off only, lol. Tomorrow's Phrenz carnival. Gonna head to bed after this post. I hope everyone will have fun tomorrow. :)
